Sunday, December 7, 2008


ともだちで私(わたし)はいちばんすごしアニメをみました。でも、こどものころ(When I was a child)、わたしはたくさんアニミをみました。このアニミがとてもすきです。

(This is actually how we call it in Chinese, I don't know it in japanese,一休さん?)
That time,これは人気(にんき)があります。一休さんはとてもりこうです。そしてかわいですから、こどもがおおいはこれがすきです。 ふるいですが、classicalです。

これもたのしいアニメですね。I used to tell every single story but not any more. Since It has been almost 二十年。
おとこのこは花の子ルンルンが好きじゃありません。(I guess)

 ひだり:the most famous robot cat in the world...                 
What is more important about it...It made a lot of boys start to get interested in playing basketball when this is very popular in China.
Comparing manga and animation, I think まんがはmore detailsがあります。でも、アニミはより visualized。わたしはえがすきですから、漫画(まんが)のほんがすきです。
わたしも みなのにほんごのillustrationがとても好き(すき)です。簡単な(かんたん)え。そしでとでもたのしいです。ああ、漫画(まんが)を習いたいですね!!!


せんしゅうのきようびにともだちとlighting ceremonyにいきました。


クリスマスis coming. でも、しけんも....
こうか(engineering course)のしけんはと手もむずかしいです。たいへんですね。

I am very pleased これでみなさんにあいます。
来年(らいねん)I hope I could get into 二年日本語 by teaching myself.

Last but not least...

Saturday, November 15, 2008

some thoughts driven by the schedule...

I got the schedule of one of my required class from a friend which is not secheduled initially. then my hope of taking the late afternoon section of First Year Japanese II section next semester is gone... And my other required lab kills rest of other Japanese sections : (

I remeber how surprised my friend is when I told her I am taking Japanese almost two months ago. From then on I started to pay more attention to anything that has Japanese. I even look at the packeage of the Japanese snakes and candies sold in Chinese supermarket when I go there. I was shocked when I first realize I was thinking in terms of English after being here for two years. It seems a good excuse for forgetting the writing of a lot Chinese charactors. I think that what people means by saying language can really become part of you and your life.

There is the highly possibility this is going to be the only formal japanese class I took. But there is no doubt learning japanese, the country and its culture will be part of my life.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

When I was a child, わたしはふゆがすきです。
ふゆはChinese new yearがありますから、ふゆはとてもたのしいです。
when I grow older and olderわたしはあきがすきです。でも、あまりわかりません。
Before the leaves gone with the wind and rain, I want to somehow remeber this fall.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

To Yamada san



わたしはコロンビアだいがくのだいがくせいです。さんねんせいです。まいにちはちじはんにでんしゃでがっこうへいきます。げつようびとすいようびはごぜんじゅじからごごにじじゅごふんまでべんきょします。かようびはごごよじにおわります。もくようびはごごろくじ はんまでです。まいばんへやでしゅくでいをします。わたしのべんきょはむずかしいですが、おもしろいです。コロンビアだいがくはとてもいいですから、わたしのせいがつはたのしいです。山田さんのせいがつはどうですか。




Tuesday, October 21, 2008


2. 私を信じてください。それだけで私は幸せです。
3. 私にも心があることを忘れないでください。
4. 言うことをきかないときは理由があります。
5. 私にたくさん话しかけてください。人のことばは话せないけど、わかっています。     
6. 私をたたかないで。本気になったら私のほうが强いことを忘れないで。     
7. 私が年を取っても、仲良くしてくだい。
8. 私は十年くらいしか生きられません。だからできるだけ私と一绪にいてください。
9. あなたには学校もあるし友だちもいます。でも私にはあなたしかいません。      
10. 私が死ぬとき、お愿いです、そばにいてください。どうか覚えていてください、私がずっとあなたを爱していたことを。

I watched this movie without any subtitle since it doesn't come with subtitle.
So I don't understand 99% of the conversasions in the movie. But the movie is simple enough for me to understand. I was little excited when I found out I could picked up some simple words here or there. :P
I didn't get the words which appears at the very beginning of the movie(I assume that is the philosopy the movie try to show to the audience). If anyone going to watch it or have watched,please let me know the meaning of it.
I found the ten promises in Japanese online even though I am not sure whether it is reliable.
This is a very warm,emotional movie with simple stories.
There are scenes make people cry and moments you just can't stop laughing.
And that is the picture of our life, simple but not easy, hard but not impossible.
(I found out the girl calls her mom and dad as おかあさん、おとうん. Doesn't she suppose use ちち、はは?Could anyone tell me why it is like this?)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Since school started, my daily schedule have never changed.
This is what I am going to do this week and the following

I miss the たのしい days at home this なつ。
I figured I probably made up things by mixing Japanese and English together.
But it might be helpful for me to remember things...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I wish I could write the kanji terms in Hiragana. I hope it does make sense.
Joe Hisaishi is best known for his work with animator Hayao Miyazaki(宮崎駿). He composed many songs including the popular ones. Such as Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, Princess Mononoke, My Neighbour Totoro. I also knowing him form watching the animation because the music is too beautiful to forget.


これはわたしの村上春樹(Murakami Haruki)です。
Among his incredialbe long work list,ノルウェイの森(のるうぇいのもり) and 海辺のカフカ(うみべのかふか) are two of favorites.
The title of these two novels after translation are Kafka on the Shore and Norwegian Wood. (I am not so sure about this)

There is a possibility I could read Janpanese literature books rather than the translation ones.
This is one of the reasons I am here. And no matter how hard it is. I will still be here.

At the end, I want to share Joe Hisaishi's music.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

First Post!

Hi, Nice to meet all of you guys. I am Tian, from China.Wow, it is that hard for me to express myself by using the language I learned for just two days. I hope it would get better.

The reason of learning Japanese

Honestly, I never think of taking Japanese as my third language before even though there are so many people around me are into it. That's one of the reasons I registered after the first week of the class. I am not taking it for a requirement or anything but for myself. Learning different languages and cultures are always on the top of my hobby list. Personally, I think learning the language is the best way of knowing its culture. Even nowadays the world runs globally but still the original book is always always better than the translated ones. By the way, I love reading. Maybe reading Japanese book will be a dream come true later in my life. Next time I'll tell you who is my favorite Japanese writer.
