Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The reason of learning Japanese

Honestly, I never think of taking Japanese as my third language before even though there are so many people around me are into it. That's one of the reasons I registered after the first week of the class. I am not taking it for a requirement or anything but for myself. Learning different languages and cultures are always on the top of my hobby list. Personally, I think learning the language is the best way of knowing its culture. Even nowadays the world runs globally but still the original book is always always better than the translated ones. By the way, I love reading. Maybe reading Japanese book will be a dream come true later in my life. Next time I'll tell you who is my favorite Japanese writer.



solo86 said...


yinrui said...

其实作为一个中国人对日本还是有点排斥的,但知己知彼百战百胜嘛!Lol, 开玩笑。我觉得日本人宁为玉碎不为瓦全的精神是值得我们学习的。他们很勤奋很坚强但有时候又很死板很偏执,是个很有趣的种族。日语也很好听,但当然没有华语好听。哈哈...

おちゃのみます said...

我在日本 就是都用意會 不用言傳 因為大部份的人都不會説英文

所以就是大玩雞同鴨講 不過說真的 就是這樣才好玩 哈哈

PS ylnrul, I agree with you...

gakusei said...

Well despite those before me I think I will still comment in English for this first one :)

I love the idea of language being the gateway to a country's culture. I agree that learning a language is one of the best ways to better understand a people. I too am taking this class simply for the enjoyment of it, because it is something I am passionate about. It seems that most of the class is like that, which is really exciting! ^_^

Hamada said...

I'll write in English, too, although I did study Chinese for one year at college.

I totally agree that learning a language is one of the best ways to understand the culture and people. I would like to keep studying Chinese to understand the culture, country, and people, but no time right now... Also, it's better than the Japanese language, right? (just joking :P) <- I learned this facemark in class!

Ponystick said...

I'm already impressed that you know two languages so well! (I speak English and bad German!) I'm sure you will master Japanese in no time and I agree - the best way to understand a culture is to learn the language it uses.
I wonder if there are any Japanese books that we could read (and understand this early) in order to improve the skills we have learned so far...